With an objective to enable reach beyond its intervention areas, Tata Steel is initiating a health project for adolescents, Project Rishta, in the Rajnagar block of Seraikela-Kharsawan district, with an aim to cover 55 villages in the block. The nodal agency for the project is Tata Steel Rural Development Society (TSRDS). The project implementation areas are at 54 villages of 5 GPs under Rajnagar, Seraikela-Kharswan block in Jharkhand State. The total population is 29,153 where our target population is 5122.
Target Group: Adolescents of 12 to 19 yrs. (both male and female)
Goal of the project: The long term goal of RISHTA project is to enable adolescents of India to make informed decisions and choices regarding their lives including sexual and reproductive health.