SPAR is a non-profit making voluntary organization committed to the cause of the poor people. SPAR empowers dalits and adibasis, women, children, minority community and other backward community for realization of their entitlements. SPAR works directly with the people in Odisha, Jharkhand and West Bengal.
The organization is committed to facilitate the empowerment process of people and other development actors including its own professionals. SPAR will give its strategic focus (for the period from 2023-2026) on the following aspects:
1.Sustainable livelihood Improvement
2.Act locally to combat Climate Change
5.Health & Nutrition
6.Communities to combat migration and immoral trafficking
7.Sustainable livelihood and development with dignity for women
8.Societal Peace, Harmony and Democracy
Apart from these SPAR will necessarily try to go to the deeper intricacies of the human development through right based approach. To fulfill the mission, SPAR will try to initiate people-centered advocacy and awareness drive simultaneously at the community and policy level. If necessary, SPAR will facilitate the education and health service in the remote villages of our intervention areas.
SPAR believes in values like, participation, transparency, gender equity, peace, justice, equality and promotes its practices within and outside the organization.