The Axshya India project is running by SPAR-Ghatsila Project in Baharagora, Dumuria, Musabani and Potka Block of Jharkhand since February, 2014. The project Axshya (meaning ‘TB Free’), is ‘A Civil Society Initiative to Strengthen TB Care and Control project in India’. The project aims to improve access to quality TB care and control through a partnership between government and civil society. It will support India’s Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) to expand its reach, visibility and effectiveness, and engage community-based providers to improve TB services, especially for women, children, marginalized, vulnerable and TB-HIV co-infected populations.

Target Group: Multi-drug Resistance TB Patients, Tribal, poor and backward communities.

Goal of the Project: Decrease morbidity and mortality due to DR-TB in India and improve access to quality TB care and control services through enhanced civil society participation.

Achievements :

  • Sputum collected from 670 nos. of TB suspect people from different villages and submitted to DMC (TB) Lab where 63 positive TB patients find out.
  • 530 TB suspect people referred by Community Volunteers, 95 TB suspect people reach at DMC (TB) Lab 17positive patient find out by LAB test.
  • 58 defaulted patients have been finding by Community Volunteers and retrace all defaulter patient; they all are taking DOTs once again after convinced by the CV.
  • More than 700 people trained by this project and they are aware about TB care and control program by community meeting and training.
  • Six model villages are ready in 4 blocks.
  • Two TB patients were linked in PDS and one more linked with ICDS.