We are implementing the Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) programme in our Jashipur project of SPAR.  The programme is supported by the National Health Mission (NHM), Odisha.  The ASHAs are selected from the community for bridging the gap between the govt. health system and the community people.  We are running the programme in Jashipur, Karanjia, Kusumi, Jamda, Bahalda, Tiring and Rairangpur blocks of Mayurbhanj district.

The objective of the programme is to reduce the mother and child mortality rate.  Our role is to provide training to the ASHAs and hand holding support to them. Capacity building of ASHA has been seen as a continuous process.  So far 228 ASHAs are trained by the District Training Team at SPAR DTS-Toshali Resort, Jashipur.

Achievements :

  • The institutional delivery has been increased.
  • Practice of receiving health facilities from nearby health centre have been increased among the general people.
  • The unscientific practices on Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) is now reduced.
  • The percentage of child immunization has been increased to a significant level.
  • The eligible couples adopted both temporary & permanent method of family planning.