The Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) Programme is being implemented in 1125 villages of 127 Gram Panchayats in 12 blocks of Coochbehar district, West Bengal.  The objective of the programme is to provide capacity building and handholding support to the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) who are working as a link between the community people and the public government health system. The program is supported by National Health Mission (NHM).

Total number of ASHA sanctioned at present in the district is 2253 nos. and 2002 number of ASHAs is presently working under 349 Sub Centres.

Apart from the above the special days of importance were observed; like Rabindrajayanti, Independence Day with the ASHAs.  During the Rash Mela we have propagated the health awareness through display of slogans and other IEC materials. The staff members, District Trainers (DTs) and the ASHAs were attended in the rally on observation of Anti Tobacco Day, World Health Day and World Population Day in Coochbehar.

Achievements :

  • Rate of birth and death registration have been increased.
  • Number of institutional delivery has been increased.
  • People adopted both temporary and permanent method of family planning.
  • Percentage of ANC-III and PNC has been increased.
  • Percentage of child immunization has been increased.